Max VR List

Mario Kart 8 yearly stats

Here, you can find the amount of players from each year for different max categories.
Cummulative amount of players appears in brackets.

These stats are discontinued since April 9, 2024, when Mario Kart 8 servers were closed.

201595 (99)496
201676 (175)5 (9)219 (18)8 (14)
201779 (254)16 (25)1 (3)0 (1)6 (24)3 (17)
201822 (276)4 (29)1 (4)0 (1)4 (28)2 (19)
201926 (302)1 (30)0 (4)0 (1)1 (29)2 (21)
202025 (327)6 (36)3 (7)4 (5)4 (33)3 (24)
202110 (337)8 (44)2 (9)2 (7)1 (34)1 (25)
202215 (352)5 (49)5 (14)0 (7)2 (36)1 (26)
202316 (368)3 (52)2 (16)2 (9)2 (38)2 (28)
20246 (374)5 (57)3 (19)3 (12)7 (45)7 (35)